31. Malcolm, Marie, and Me (A 'Malcolm & Marie' Review)

On this week’s episode, Chatrice and Luis review ‘Malcom and Marie’ on Netflix. For their check-in, Luis is getting use to daylight savings and Chatrice has been microagressed in class. Chatrice gives us some financial advice on how to spend that stimulus check (#stimmy). Our hosts talk about Netflix’s ‘Malcolm & Marie’: Luis liked how the film felt like watching a play and Chatrice is annoyed with Malcom’s pacing. Courting Cuties, have you seen this film? If so, what are your thoughts?  

Spoilers Start: 17:01

Word of the Pod: hyperbolic (adj.) - extreme, exaggerated

Time Stamps

0:41 - Check-in with hosts

8:18 - What is one adult thing each host did this week?

8:44 - Chatrice’s financial advice (Curvy Belle Financial Corner)

13:51 - Shout Outs for the Culture

14:28 - Follow Kim Wilson, motivational Speaker (@amazingkimwilson)

15:04 - Tinder Anti-Aisan Descrimination

15:21 - Statistically asian men and black women get the least amount of swipes, likes, and messages on dating apps

15:53 - Today’s topic: Netflix’s ‘Malcom and Marie’

17:07 - Chatrice’s one sentence plot summary of ‘Malcom and Marie’

17:57 - metaphor for relationships during lock down, according to Peggy Drexler, Vogue India

19:01 - Luis’ thoughts about the movie

21:01 - Chatrice’ thoughts about the movie

22:51 - Men taking up space by pacing all the place

23:42 - Luis has only had zoom on their cell phone for 3 weeks and it is life changing   

26:12 - David Dennis Jr talks about the script, ship but uneven

27:50 - Luis drops some theatre knowledge, ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrik Ibsen

29:18 - Toxic moments in relationships

32:18 - Question: were the hosts satisfied with the end of the movie?

33:18 - Luis laughed a lot while watching this movie

34:16 - Word of the pod: hyperbolic

35:12 - Is Malcolm and Marie’s relationship abusive?

36:52 - Who would be the hosts’ list for their thank you speech at an awards show?  

40:20 - Memorable lines

41:48 - Which character is most at fault?

42:25 - Luis saw themselves in both characters but more so Malcolm

43:37 - Lack of gratitude in this film, Luis asks what does each character need?

45:27 - Marie was throwing the best shade during this film

46:12 - Malcolm was malcious with his words

47:25 - 24 Hour Rule: bring it up in 24 hours or drop it

48:35 - Characters are not self-realized enough to see how their words or actions hurt the other

50:55 - Sex and the City: Samantha and Smith Jerrod; staying with someone because you feel like you owe the other person something

52:48 - Was there a resolution at the end of the night/the end of the argument?

53:48 - A complicated relationship and an abusive relationship are two seperate things,

54:27 - Lessons and take away from this film for the hosts

56:22 - Should we start doing a performance evaluation (like at work) for a relationship?

1:01:37 - Hesitation to be vulnerable in a realtionship is tied to loss

Kim Wilson, Motivational Speaker - https://www.instagram.com/amazingkimwilson/?hl=en

What does Malcom & Marie tell us about emotionally abusive relationships? by Dr. Peggy Drexler - https://www.vogue.in/culture-and-living/content/what-does-malcolm-and-marie-tell-us-about-emotionally-abusive-relationships

‘Malcolm and Marie’ Isn’t About a Relationship, It’s About Abuse by David Dennis, Jr. - https://level.medium.com/malcolm-marie-isn-t-about-a-relationship-it-s-about-abuse-2f05fd8f3206

CourtNColorseason 3